About Me

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My husband Brian, and I are Brigham Young University graduates with our first child on the way! June of 2013 we are moving to Columbus, Ohio for Brian to start a full time job! Hopefully I can keep up with this so you can know the latest and greatest happenings of our lives!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Late Happenings of my Life

So I have come upon a bit of a writers block in the last week or so. For some reason, my life is so crazy busy that I don't have time to blog, but then when I do have a moment (for example Now while Brian is doing homework) I can't think of anything significant to share. It is not that I do not do significant things. I know that I do. I think its like a new form of Brain Freeze. not the kind where you drink way to much of a rather cold beverage and it hurts you, but the kind where your synapses seem to completely stop firing for all purposes of recalling any sort of memory, all you can do is the basic functions like breathe and eat.

 See, not this kind of Brain freeze. I wish he were holding an otter pop though.

So I am self diagnosing myself. (I did note that I said self twice. I liked it and left it. It was not a mistake.)  I suffer from Chronic Brain Freeze.

Slight Side Note: Brain and Brian are very similar as I am sure you are aware of. Being married to a Brian, I am becoming much more familiar with the look of that word, the significance of that is this, now, the word brAIn never looks right. I always think it is miss-spelt. (no spelt is not a word, but I do like the sound of it so much more than spelled. Spelled sounds so uncouth. *side note within the side note within the side note: that is my call out to my lovely dear friend Deidre who loves that word probably more than anyone on the planet. For this reason I do love her* ) END SIDE NOTE

So to remedy my now tragic condition, I think I will try to find at least something significant about my day to talk about, maybe write it down even so that I do not fall into that same trap of thinking I do nothing significant with my life.

So we shall start with a summary of the last few weeks. First off, I quit my job. For many different reasons, mostly for school. I discovered if I try to kill myself by taking a LOT of credits for the next little bit I could finish my degree in about one years time. this is exciting for me, I was looking to graduate at least a year late, I will not be doing that any longer though (at least hopefully) This does, however, mean I am taking a lot of credits. For example, right now I am taking 9 credits which for those who may not be aware, is a full class load for BYU summer term. you are not allowed to take more. It has been very interesting so far. Thankfully, my sweet husband is in two of my three classes with me. I don't know what exactly it is about having him in class with me but I definitely feel much more successful in both of those. Maybe it is the fact that I actually go and have not yet missed and probably will not miss. that is kind of a new thing for me. Only other class that I have never missed a lecture would be the class my husband and I met in.

That just sparked an idea. I should write about my love for my husband sometime. he really is so good to me and i should share some of th e sweet stories about how great he is to me.

So school has definitely been very interesting lately. In my other class, I have actually been really enjoying it. Until today. Today we had to be certified on CPR and chocking and things of such nature.. totally fine I've learned CPR like 100 times. the problem is, I HATE doing things by myself in front of a large group of people. give me one or two other people with me and I'll be okay, but when everyone's attention is focused on me, that is just a very hard thing for me to deal with. So for this test, literally about half the class was just sitting there, watching me. It made me so nervous that the only way that victim would have been getting enough blood through his heart (had it been a real person) would have been if they had some how had a transplanted heart from a hamster because I was doing the compressions so quickly! In the case of the hamster transplant they would have a lot more problems then being unconscious that I would not be able to help them with.

How could any one with a heart, steal a heart from such an adorable creature?!

Other than school, and the reason for the title of this blog. I went to California two weekends ago with Brian to do our second wedding reception, meet the extended family at a family dinner which turned into a bit of yet another reception, however it was fun, I think I preferred the relaxed atmosphere of the dinner turned reception over the official reception. And then that Monday, to take a break and have some alone time, Brian and I went to Disneyland. For those who are not aware. I LOVE DISNEY. like i love everything disney. No I did not participate in the princess festival recently and no i cannot quote every disney movie by heart, but i do think so many great things can be learned from Disney and I do think Disneyland is really the happiest worldly place on earth for me. Its just so fun and just nothing stressful, sometimes there are dumb teenagers who think they are cool, but generally its just a lot of really happy kids. which i love happy kids!

One day, I would like to live in a Disneyland for old people. Specifically Celebration!, Florida. 

So disneyland was obviously great, I loved it a lot. I don't think we took any pictures. In fact i know we didn't because i think i left my camera at Brian's Parents house for that trip but it was still amazing.

So that is pretty much the extent of my life recently. Today was a sad but happy day. Alyssa Amy Atkins, one of my best friends in this whole wide world, entered the MTC (the Missionary Training Center for LDS missionaries) I got to see her right before she went in and spend some time with her and her family and it was so great, I know she will be such a fantastic missionary. I'm sad that I have to share her with the people of Romania for the next 18 months but I know that what she will be doing there will be such a unique and amazing experience. Also as soon as she gets back she is just going to move in with Brian and I and stay in our second bedroom until she gets married and moves into the apartment next door, so i will have plenty of time with her then..

I am going to miss this girl A LOT!!!

Just kidding. she is not planning on coming back and living in our second room. Although I bet if it were allowed by the college.... she would get cheaper rent....

Alyssa Amy Atkins will be missed. I do love her so very much and I am so glad I was able to share the last three years with her. I hate the fact that people have to grow up and move on with life, but I guess my new life isn't too bad. After all. my husband is pretty much the best thing ever :)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Post two, Part A. The Start of Spring Term

So, Brian and I have been out on an adventure for the past week, and before that preparing for said adventure, which is why I failed to maintain this whole blog addiction thing, so lets try and get myself hooked one more time.

First off. I am currently sitting in a class. I fear to say which class as if my professor stumbled across this I would feel bad, but I will say I don't think I have every been in a class and on literally the very first day been so ridiculously lost. Class has been going for one half hour and I already have no idea what is going on. This class is a general, as in for the general population who do not know everything about this topic! I don't even understand. for example, someone just answered the professor's question with "that would be the Fertile Crescent." What the heck. Ok so I know i maybe didn't pay attention as close as i could have in any type of class in high school where I maybe should have learned that kind of information, but this is still too ridiculous. Alas, I will hold on because my husband really needs this class and to take it at this time, and so I should suck it up. 
So on to something more entertaining then this boring lecture which I can't even follow when I am trying to. All though by the way, there is a VHS sitting on the front table, I am really hoping this means we will be watching a movie, I could really use a good nap and this room is pretty much perfect for quality in class sleeping. 
Well this weekend was quite the fun one. My last day at my job was Wednesday. I started it off great with Waffle Wednesday. A fantastic tradition which I may be starting as of next week at my house. (Not this week because we have already decided to sleep in so late that we will both most likely end up being late to class for me and work for Brian.) 

Example of soon to be Miskell Tradition.

By the way, did you know Greenland is apparently living centuries behind the rest of the world. Talk about power of positive thinking! They don't believe in Global warming and so their little country has never melted form the ice age. Even the northern territories (which by the way are more North) are melting. but not good old Greenland. Maybe they just can't handle to lose the irony to their name. I bet that is it. I would hold on to it too. You go Greenland!

I just made an executive decision, I don't know if it really counts as executive since it's just me, BUT nonetheless. I think blogging as I am in this class may be the only way I will get anything out of this class. (That and studying off of Brian's notes....) so every Tuesday and Thursday over the next seven weeks you may just get an interesting blog or two showing up on here. 

So Brian being the positive and optimistic husband he is, during the 5 minute break we just got decided to point out something i had previously written in this blog about positive thinking, expressing that I should maybe try having some positive thinking and maybe i would not hate this class so much after being in it for less than 1 hour. Touche Brian, you may win this Battle, but the war is still being fought. 

dang it he just corrected my spelling. Loss 2 for the past twenty minutes.

OH HAPPY DAY!!! Professor just put in the VHS and lowered the screen. this will be continued later.

Friday, June 10, 2011

The beginning of a new addiction.

Well fellow bloggers, I have finally succumbed. I never thought I would be the type to blog. Due to the fact that I am beyond bored with Facebook, but am coming up on a new term of classes, I realized I would need something much stronger than the Yahoo! news headlines to distract me from homework. And thus we see the development of a new addiction. We'll see how well I do at keeping up with this. And how drastically it changes throughout the progression of my schooling and directly correlated constant boredom level. But let us hope for the best! 

In my head, this is me in the future. I am sleeping in class, but it is okay because I am clearly a very intelligent twelve year old Asian girl. 

That's all for now, enjoy your evening because I am definitely going to enjoy some quality time con mi espouso? I don't know spanish, but I'll try in efforts to be PC to mix it up a bit from time to time, how's that sound? Great! 

Thanks for giving a moment to read my boring and I'll admit it, slightly lame first attempt at blogging, but I'll get it down. Just you wait Henry Higgins. (10 pts if you immediately got the reference)