About Me

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My husband Brian, and I are Brigham Young University graduates with our first child on the way! June of 2013 we are moving to Columbus, Ohio for Brian to start a full time job! Hopefully I can keep up with this so you can know the latest and greatest happenings of our lives!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Pregnancy update- 18 weeks!

As you all know, I fail miserably at blogging.  At one point I tried to catch up and so I wrote the titles of several intended posts and that overwhelmed me so I gave up. :) 

But I figure now that I am pregnant, mostly for my family who doesn't get to see it all the time, I should post updates of how things are going.  So here it goes! I even took my first ever bump picture for this post! 

So I haven't yet regained the weight I lost in the first trimester.  (I'm still 19 lbs down from where I am suppose to be.)  I am able to keep a lot more down though and I'm feeling like I have more energy every day!  A few weeks ago Brian and I decided incentivizing my eating may help so we made a deal that when I go a full week without throwing up I get a party. :)  I have high hopes and have been trying really hard to reach this goal.  

As far as the baby's health goes, baby Misk is doing great! We will find out gender in 2 weeks and we are both very excited for that!  We bought a baby heart rate monitor because I am basically the most paranoid person ever and so we get to hear the baby's heart rate almost every day!! 

That's about all there is in terms of baby news.  Maybe I'll get ambitious and post a life update blog later this week :) 

Good night!